Apeksha Fozdar

Apeksha Fozdar

Naturopathy for a Healthier Life

Naturopathy for a Healthier Life

Naturopathy adopts an all-encompassing holistic strategy to good health and wellbeing. A good naturopath will effectively guide you to adopt a way of life centered on a good eating routine, nutrition which includes organic food, sunlight, physical exercise and the…

7 Unusual & Fun Forms of Yoga

7 Unusual & Fun Forms of Yoga

Yoga started centuries back and is still considered one of the best forms of healing & exercise. For a lot of people, yoga is the perfect way to start their day, or the retreat that they look for after a…

5 Steps to Build Your Fitness Goals

5 Steps to Build Your Fitness Goals

Physical activity keeps chronic illness at bay, improves coordination and balance, assists you getting in shape, builds confidence — and even improve your sleep. But for most people, exercise always begins tomorrow. It’s said the journey of a thousand miles…

Essential Oils for Children with ADHD

Essential Oils for Children with ADHD

For those dealing with ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, they know how it is often confused with Autism due to similar symptoms. It is a chronic neurodevelopmental syndrome that comes with focus issues, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity in children. The…

The Incredible World of Ayurvedic Healing

The Incredible World of Ayurvedic Healing

Ayurveda, translated from Sanskrit means “Science of life”. It’s an age-old science dating back 3000 years which focuses on treating the root of a disease v/s the symptoms. One thing that remains in focus thousands of years later is how…

The 7-Step Detox Program

The 7-Step Detox Program

The 7-Step Detox Program Detoxification is a natural process that the body does on its own every minute and every day. Then, why is there a need to practice extra detoxification? The answer is simple! There is a lot more…

Spice Up Your Sex Life

Spice Up Your Sex Life

Did you know that “better sex equals happier relationships”? Perfect sex sounds like the cherry on the cake, but chances are either you or your partner are just too tired or not in the mood. In reality sex is a…
