Tapping into Energy Through Tarot
Tapping into Energy Through Tarot

Tarot cards have traditionally been associated with occult practices and unexplained prophecies. A good tarot card reader has an incredible ability to tap into cosmic energy and virtually download information that can transform your life. If you want self-development, making choices, manifesting goals, it’s time for tarot.

admin, 03 May, 2024

Spice Up Your Sex Life
Spice Up Your Sex Life

A boring sex life only aggravates relationship issues. Positive relationships include a healthy sex life. If you want to get your relationship back on track it’s time rekindle the fire between your sheets. Tips on how to have better sex through Aromatherapy, libido oriented foods, yoga poses, supplements and more…

admin, 03 May, 2024

Pratyahara: Last Anga of Yoga
Pratyahara: Last Anga of Yoga

If digital detox seems an impossibility, its time activate other ways to keep yourself focused, calm and centered. Through Pratyahara, you will learn how to overcome fear and anxiety and quieten the mind , change your vibration to generate internal peace and harmony.

admin, 03 May, 2024

Orgasm Your Way to Good Health
Orgasm Your Way to Good Health

The intensity of an orgasm is not only extremely satisfying in many ways but also provides major health benefits - glowing skin, improved immunity, anti-aging and better sleep to name a few. Both men and women derive several emotional and mental benefits as well. Here we provide you some insight to Orgasm Your Way to Good Health.

admin, 03 May, 2024

Naturopathy for a Healthier Life
Naturopathy for a Healthier Life

The principles of naturopathy view the whole person in regards to finding the cause of the disease and using the laws of nature to induce a cure. This holistic approach to wellness focuses more on prevention and using natural treatments to help the body heal itself. Find basic tips to live a more naturopathic way of life.

admin, 03 May, 2024

My Journey with Reiki
My Journey with Reiki

Energy healers across the globe channel this powerful golden light with incredible healing power to transform your life, alleviate pain, disease and emotional suffering. In this article Aparna speaks of her introduction to USUI & KARUNA Reiki , her reiki master and her Spiritual journey to become a reiki healer.

admin, 03 May, 2024

De-Clutter Your Way to A Successful Life!
De-Clutter Your Way to A Successful Life!

If your life feels that it lacks energy or is stagnant, or if you feel overwhelmed, the simple art of decluttering brings about untold positive changes. The science of NLP states that the way you do one thing is the way you do everything

admin, 03 May, 2024

7 Unusual & Fun Forms of Yoga
7 Unusual & Fun Forms of Yoga

Explore the top 7 fun and unusual forms of Yoga . Traditional yoga is incredible but it’s been given a fabulous new energy with these interesting and out-of-the-box exercise practices. From Aerial Yoga to yoga with your dog Let’s discover them one by one

admin, 03 May, 2024



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