Find Your Zest

Author: Ixchel Leigh

calender iconMay 27, 2024

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Your outlook on life determines the life you live. While all of us have felt overwhelmed
at one time or another, Nature has come to your rescue to assist you. Everything in Nature has a vibration, or energy. This energy reverberates outwards from its source. The energy can affect whatever comes into contact with it. It’s like this: when you are angry, people around you can feel this anger. It’s the same with happiness… the energy is contagious to those around you or those who come into contact with you.

Scents for Happiness

Aromatherapy can help with depression and when you don’t feel happiness or joy in your life. Renew your daily life with citrus oils: they instill a fresh outlook, improve your vitality, and can increase your joy! The essential oils of citruses (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, etc.) are found in their rind…you know, it’s that squirt that stings your eye when you twist a lemon peel!

First, before I share some formulas with you, let me share this: Each one of us is responsible for how we look at life. Yes, sh** happens… but how we respond to the stuff is our response-ability. It’s an inner view-point, and the world isn’t going to change until we (individually) do. I know it’s frustrating to see everything we must do in order to make the world safe for coming generations (and for us now). Let’s begin with conscious changes that benefit all sentient beings. Let’s begin by being aware of our inner world, and how our thoughts, words, and actions create a certain reality for us. Aromatherapy can help us while we are implementing these critical changes in behavior.

Here are some formulas focused on citrus oils that can be made into massage oils. Compose the essential oil formula and then blend it into 60 ml (2 ounces) of your chosen unscented lotion or carrier (olive, sunflower, or almond oil…). Use the blended oils to massage the entire body, or spot massage the hands, feet, legs, or belly areas. You can also simply inhale and apply a few drops to your wrist as needed. Or make a mister by putting 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with the essential oils in a bottle with purified water and spray into the environment.

Uplifting Formula

  • Bergamot Citrus aurantium var. bergamia, 5 drops
  • Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica, 3 drops
  • Rose Geranium Pelargonium graveolens, 4 drops

Renew Life Formula

  • Pink Grapefruit Citrus paradise, 6 drops
  • Jasmine Grandiflorum Jasminium grandiflorum, 3 drops
  • Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata, 3 drops

Joie de Vivre (Joy of Life)

  • Sweet Orange Citrus sinensis, 3 drops
  • Red Mandarin Citrus reticulate Blanco, 5 drops
  • Himalayan Cedar Cedrus deodorata, 4 drops


Crystal Healing for Emotional Balance

Ganesh and Essential Oils

Smell and Wellbeing


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