Amitabh Swetta

Amitabh Swetta

So Many Reasons to Love Bathsalts!

So Many Reasons to Love Bathsalts!

For Centuries people have used the powerful benefits of salt baths to great medicinal and relaxation benefit. Whether it was used as a foot soak or by submerging bodies into a bath filled with warm water salts, whether in the…

The Wonders of Flotation Therapy

The Wonders of Flotation Therapy

Can you imagine a world with no light, no sound and no gravity, akin to floating in your mothers’ womb? What is Floatation Therapy? Born out of the brain of a magnificent scientist, Dr. John C. Lilly, Floatation tanks have…

Pratyahara: Last Anga of Yoga

Yog Sutras of Patanjali were documented 5000 years back… When the whole world was living in caves and jungles (modern historian’s interpretation), then the highly developed people of Bharat were revealing the secrets of creation… scientifically; so scientifically that till…
