“Love surrenders to the Will of the Beloved. Gives all to the Beloved. Sacrifices all for the Beloved. Lives for the Beloved. Dies for the Beloved. This supreme state of Love is the God-state, for what is God but love? Infinite, unbounded, eternal Love! Only love for God works the miracle because Love is beyond mind and reason. My message is, love God to such an extent that you become God. That Love is a gift from God. One of the means by which it can be won is selfless service — but the selfless service should be so sublime that you should not even have a thought that you are serving! You can love God. You can see God. He is not anywhere outside, but right within you. So you must seek Him within.”

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Rukhmini Punoose

VR White-Horse Healing Works Private Limited was founded by Rukhmini Punoose and Vijay Lalwani. Rukhmini is a Reiki Grandmaster and Karuna Master and has studied and practiced NLP, Hypnotherapy, Lomi Lomi, Shamanism, crystal work and plant medicine healing for several years. Additionally, she is also a certified Bach Flower Therapist. She teaches a variety of energy and plant-based modalities—Reiki, meditation, smudging, working with essential oils—all in an endeavour to raise the spiritual self-awareness of every student, while guiding them to unconditionally love and accept themselves.


Vijay has a unique background as a Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist as well as in design and strategic communication. Vijay combines this expertise to bring beauty and a healing touch to every aspect of our products. He is firm in his belief that it is only through Nature that we can truly reconnect to ourselves.

