Healthy Healing Center
Healthy Healing Center
Dr Shikha is Goa’s leading functional medicine oriented physician, specializing in nutrition, detoxification and healing chronic problems, by focusing on bringing about the patient’s overall health—rather than merely suppressing the symptoms of a disease.
About Healthy Healing Center:
We are Goa’s “Good Health Specialists”! Established in 2005, Healthy Healing has since been the oldest existing and best- known clinic for integrative life-style medicine based in the state. We receive visits from all over India and all around the world, mostly based on word-of-mouth recommendation from successfully treated clients.
Activities and services
- In-person and online in-depth consultations based on functional medicine principles
- Live Blood Analysis (LBA)
- Holistic treatment of chronic diseases;
- Colon-hydrotherapy
- Ozone as recommended under AYUSH
- 10 to 21-day rejuvenation programs
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