“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” – Hermann Hesse
Stress triggers dozens of negative thoughts. It has become a significant source of mental health issues and can occur due to tensions at work, family, education, chronic illness or any emotional issue. The visible symptoms known till date include insomnia, eating disorders and anxiety. Overthinking followed by a lack of communication to seek help enhances the chances to worsen this mental concern. It is of utmost significance to remain mindful in all situations and seek support to help you through tough patches. Though finding such an influence can sometimes be challenging, you can take proactive and positive steps to tackle stress on your own.
Meditate: A relaxing way to calm your conscious mind, meditation is one way to combat stress. Dive into a world of deep relaxation, pushing away the negative thoughts. Take 3 deep breaths and start with a 5-10 minutes session. Increase the time day-by-day. Playing meditation music tracks can help you immerse, and remember, don’t pressurize yourself to remain calm. Instead, go with the flow and you’ll slowly get there.
Chanting: Another way to reduce stress is by chanting a mantra or positive words such as “All is well”, “the universe loves and supports me”, “I go from strength to strength”. The words can be of your choosing, but keep them in present tense and repeated at your own pace while you sit in a comfortable position. Chanting alleviates stress and anxiety as the energy flows through your body, keeping your mind relaxed and mood uplifted. The power of positive repetition is an amazing tool in positive transformation.
Nutrition: Eating a balanced meal is necessary, both for physical and mental health. When you eat right, you receive the required nutrition for the functioning of each body part. Ex: Studies show that a lack of vitamin D increases the chances of anxiety. Toss of the desire for emotional eating and unhealthy comfort foods and opt for fresh fruits, nuts and green vegetables which are essential to help fight against stress-related free radicals.
Aromatherapy: A form of holistic healing treatment, aromatherapy promises to promote a healthy mental state. The therapy uses natural plant extracts and aromatic essential oils that activate certain brain parts including the limbic system. Lavender, holy basil, chamomile, rose and jasmine are some popular essential oils used to destress. You can also light some wonderful soy based essential oil infused candles.
Massage: Along with reducing stress, massage therapy also aids in general wellness. Massage therapy, at least once a month, proves helpful in dealing with stress. During a massage, you get to sit and be still; that, in and of itself, is divinely relaxing. Choose a blended massage oil best suited for your needs.
Yoga: Yoga is an art of healing the body, and ‘Hatha Yoga’ is one of the best asanas to reduce stress. You can go online or pick a book or two to start with. Starting the day with a few asanas also channels your body towards good vibrations to keep your going with positive thoughts.
Sip Herbal Teas: Herbal teas play a vital role in calming the mind. The presence of herbs and the goodness of fresh tea leaves makes them a highly recommended stress-buster. The options available are many to suit your taste-buds, while chamomile, peppermint and lemon teas are best suited to reduce stress.
Music Therapy: Music is known to contribute delightful effects to relax the minds. Slow and classical music are the suggested forms of music, or just go for the genres or tunes you relate to for a happy lift or relaxing experience. Make a go-to-playlist of songs that work for you in folders titled relaxation, happy, meditate & love.
Read: Reading can take you to places and keep your mind at bay from the distress you are dealing with. Make it a habit to read books of genres that excite you or start with one from the multitude of self-help books available on our HappySoul.in books section. There are several interesting blogs online too.
Me Time: Take some time out in between work to pamper your skin which will keep your mind at bay from the hovering stress. Apply some wonderful natural face packs, or take a hot bath with essential oil-infused water/salts. We recommend lavender, rose or Epsom bath salts for ultimate relaxation. (if you don’t have a bathtub, you can soak your feet in hot water infused with these salts as your feet have many nerve endings that lend to full body relaxation).
There are several ways to tackle stress, but you can receive the required results only when you dedicate time to yourself too. These are a few simple yet effective methods to start with and trust us, they will complement your daily routine too.